“Disciple-making must be both light-weight and deep-rooted: Light enough for anyone, anywhere, to replicate with their friends and family. Deep enough to make surrendered and transformed disciples of Jesus. DBSs are simple, easily reproducible, and train new disciples to obey Jesus in everything.”

— NOVO Missions Org.

A Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a disciple-making tool used to help launch gospel movements—sometimes known as Disciple Making Movements or DMM—around the world. It’s a great way to share the good news of Jesus and form new disciples in an interactive, Holy Spirit-led format. In a DBS group, spiritually-interested people read a Bible story together, discover what it says, and then are challenged to immediately live out what they learned and share it with someone else.

Disciple-making must be both light-weight and deep-rooted: Light enough for anyone, anywhere, to replicate with their friends and family. Deep enough to make surrendered and transformed disciples of Jesus. DBSs are simple, easily reproducible, and train new disciples to obey Jesus in everything.

A Discovery Bible Study in the hands of ordinary people is bringing transformation to spiritually-hungry people, families, groups, and communities.

  • After one DBS session together 12 year-old Josh asked, “Can I lead next week?” While leading the following week his mother responded to the question “How will you apply this passage to your life this coming week?” She said “I need to commit my life to Jesus”—and she did.

  • Inmates at a local jail began following Jesus and using DBS saw almost the whole pod interacting with the Bible led by fellow inmates. This pod (or cell block), which was known as the Gladiator Pod, became the God Pod.

  • Tony led an online DBS focused on overcoming fear. Tim, a local pastor in Illinois began sharing “Overcoming Fear” with people on the fringe of the church. After seeing the response, he formed a team and taught them how to lead a DBS. Within a short time 12 groups were launched that helped folks from the church reach friends and neighbors outside the church.

  • After a DBS about the sinful woman washing Jesus' feet. Luis, with tears in his eyes, looks up and says, "What did she do to deserve grace?" This was a key revelation from the Holy Spirit that allowed Luis to take a major step towards surrendering his life to Jesus.

  • These simple groups are beginning to pop up in every conceivable affinity group and area. People are beginning to take a journey to discover Jesus everywhere from college campuses to suburban neighbourhoods, recovery homes to high schools, nursing homes to immigrant populations. 

What is a Discovery Bible Study?